Thursday, April 19, 2007

Finally an Answer!

This is compliments of David Richmond and it is probably the answer to a bunch of the crazy question we ask.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome!

David and Brenna Richmon said...

To be fair, I got it via Michael Kelly, Pastor of Crosspoint Churches in Seattle. But Peter, you're right a large Ale tends to solve a lot of life's insurmountable questions.

Lighter heads for heavy hearts.

David and Brenna Richmon said...
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Frenchie Smalls said...

How does that saying go again?

"The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems?"

Hee hee.

Seriously, though... just consider yourself lucky that you guys still have Bell's. They decided to stop distribution in Illinois. That was the best brewery I've found in the midwest! Argh!!!

Just read recently that several hundred gallons of wine was part of Luther's yearly pay from the church. I wonder if we should go back to that... (just don't let the Southern Babtists know!)